
Young Rhys plays the BLUES!! #shorts


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  1. Why does this SRV tribute kid keep showing up in my feed? I’m not impressed by him at all, but every day there’s more “Rhys” in my “short videos“ section. He seems to be a one-trick pony. Hard pass.

  2. Lots of jealous failed musicians in the comments. Guess what? Tributes pay more than original music. What if, this dude ENJOYS playing like SRV?? What a concept!! Not everyone is out there trying to invent something new. Jealousy is a cancer and will destroy you

  3. The reason he hasn't come up with his own stuff is cuz he only plays SRV's stuff. It'll get you nowhere man, wisen up. SRV has his own sound cuz he combined other musicians styles with his own inner voice. All the other greats did too and so could you if you listen to your own inner voice. But yet again a lot of guitarists don't have that natural creative inner voice and get stuck mimicking their whole life. It's very sad. It's time to get some new influences and get yourself a different plan unless you just wanna have these music shop employees recording you the rest of your life for YouTube views.

  4. The two pickup version of this guitar was my very first guitar. I'm left-handed so my dad strung it upside down for me. It's been thirty years since I played it last but my dad still has it somewhere.

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