

#WINDOWS #LINUX #BrokenEbeez #KillWindows

At launch, much was made of Windows 11’s demanding hardware requirements. This complaint mostly affects those who want to upgrade their current PC to Windows 11. Iā€™ve made the case that thatā€™s not a scenario of great interest to Microsoft. The company doesn’t want you to upgrade to Windows 11ā€”it wants you to buy a new computer running Windows 11.

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My Windows FREE PC Specs April 2024

AMD Ryzen 1600AF 6 Core 12 Thread CPU
nVidia RTX3050 8Gb Graphics Card 2048sp from China
2.0Tb Sata SSD
16Gb Cosair DDR4 Ram
ZorinOS LITE 17 Linux


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  1. As a freelance Software Developer I use Linux daily. I switched to it nearly full time about an year ago. I use windoze to just update it because that's all it seems good for with updates taking 4-5 hours on average on windoze 11 and 7-8 hours on average on windoze 10. M$ has hit an ace again with shutting out dual boot systems after crowdstrike. If they carry on such tricks people will definitely move away from windoze faster than they think. Those days are gone when people used to put up with all the M$ bullshit just like there are plenty of M$ians here with their bullshit.

  2. AI generated BS, in fact there is no single operating systems called Linux there are hundreds of Linux Distros that are mostly incompatible with each other. A few distros are very good but most of them are just half-baked copies of Windows/MacOs lot's of them are not maintained and no support same with programs for Linux distros. Tried many distros currently running Mint XFCE great but there are not many programs for it.

  3. They want to make everything tablet and phone-based, so people keep their PC freedom by using Linux.
    If Linux was as good as it now, I would have left windows years ago.
    I'm still using my windows 10, but I moved to Mac Mini 2020, lately for my music production, also I don't use a smart phone.
    I won't be moving to windows 11.

  4. Windows crossed a red line with me since it implemented Copilot and Recall, which are nothing less than intellectual property theft (thanks to Copilot's machine learning based on you daily activities) and Hardcore Spyware (thanks to Recall taking screenshots of your screen every 3 seconds, in order to classify the text and images in a DB).

    Thankfully, I migrated to Linux Mint 2 months ago, and have never loved my PC so much… booting times are much faster… there's no Microsoft spyware nor bloatware… and I have managed to game and be productive on a daily basis since then.

    Every program I used on Windows has a substitute in Linux:

    1. Libre Office – Office 365.
    2. Gimp – Photoshop
    3. Inkscape – Illustrator
    4. Scribus – InDesign.
    5. KdenLive – Premiere (There's also Davinci Resolve).
    6. Mozila Thunderbird – Microsoft Outlook.
    7. Nextcloud – One Drive

    And on the gaming scene, thanks to the Steam Deck using Linux as its OS, Valve has done an amazing job in making 90%+ of its catalogue fully compatible with Linux, which makes Linux the second best OS for gaming in the world, above Mac. And there's also Lutris, a program that allowed me to make compatible with Linux, and thanks to this I've been playing Starcraft 2 and Warcraft with an amazing performance on my PC.

    When I switched I noticed that Nvidia has some compatibility problems with Linux, becaus Nvidia has been boycoting the OS by not releasing good drivers for it… but I heard that's starting to change now… so I bought and AMD Radeon Pro GPU and since then everything's worked amazing… f Nvidia.

    Man, switch to Linux and f Microsoft and big tech in general.

  5. You make some very valid points to be fair Microsoft are clearly not helping themselves at the moment and if they bring in a subscription based model they will lose even more users no doubt.

  6. Lose10 installs and works offline, keep using it on your main PC until microsloth smartens up. Buy a miniPC ($100-150) and run Linux for browsing and other internet activity. New monitors can handle two inputs, and data transfer is easy.

  7. I don't think its a question of Windows not keeping pace. Instead, it's about the growing divide between user interest and Microsoft interest — more and more users are no longer playing, and Linux has come a long, long way. Linux now works out of the box and can even run MS Office. Heck, Linux can even run Windows.

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