
Why you NEED to turn off Microsoft Start in Windows 11

Microsoft’s Start in Windows 11 comes with a whole load of crap but could you get malware from it? Days ago I received an email …


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  1. If Microsoft was offering this experience with a FREE copy of the OS, maybe you’d stomach it. The fact you pay for the privilege (either with a hardware purchase or as a license) is a joke. Say all you want about Apple, but they don’t pull this crap. Maybe the EU needs to start taking MS to court again

  2. I always debloat my system after installing. The creator of the script knew that this was one of the most annoying windows add-ons, but in the process it ended up saving my ass… I guess.😂

  3. When Win11 first hit here in Australia it checked my desktop and laptop for compatibility. The desktop failed, even though it was only a year or two old, Ryzen 7 chip, 16Gb ram. But Win11 said there was something in there that disqualified it. The Dell XPS13 laptop was OK. But I wasn't going to have two different systems so I'm still on Win10. Win11 still wants to me update and gives me reminders every few months. But the more I hear about Win11 the less inclined I am to go for it.

  4. Remember when the on by default taskbar news app was causing a CPU spike and crashing windows?

    All the current devs are just so bad.

    The only thing Ms does is add duplicate unremovable gigantic buttons that take an an entire row and have like save, print, send to outlook buttons.

    It's like they thought IE toolbars were the peak of technology

  5. I was looking at the controld website for personal plans pricing and they seem pretty affordable. I do have a question that I think people here might be able to answer regarding a difference in terminology. What is the difference between "blocking 850+ services" and "redirecting 850+ services"?

  6. Bottom line is nobody truly polices their platforms and/or websites. This is not only true of the big tech platforms but also smaller websites that have advertising. They all make money off the advertising revenue that garbage brings in. What this person is saying is not only true but what nobody is talking about is that because all of the files including the graphics files for the ads are ever scanned for malware at all. They are all being passed around the internet and pushed through/provided by 3rd, 4th, 5th etc… party ad companies and nobody bothers to scan anything to see what might be embedded into any of the files that might do malicious activities including drive-by installs, redirects, viruses etc….They all also push all those fraudulent click bait animated graphics pushing illegitimate products they fraudulently use the images of public figures to push, or they use click bait titles indicating scandal or tragedy or some other type of BS.

  7. I am the IT spec for a unit of about 50 people, we have a file server and thats about it and lots of random client stuff. Anyway, what is the #1 and #2 thing I need to make sure I am doing in this day and age. I know I need to get my backups backup and up to date, well real backups, like a tape or hard drive in a corner or something right now it all goes to a nas

  8. Well sad to see windows fall apart like this… People are switching to older windows 10 which is less bloated and has better support for old hardware.
    And I have switched to Linux with a simple window manager.

  9. Anyone know Google drive desktop equivalent app in linux ?
    Seamless sync, fast and absolutely free

    What keep me still on windows is this app.

  10. Sitting here wondering why I can't find that settings panel, realized I turned widgets TF off ages ago, & also don't log into Windows with a MS account… I used to joke & say Window was the most successful & prolific computer virus ever… Now I'm less sure it's a joke

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