
The Ultimate PowerShell

This PowerShell profile script introduces a comprehensive set of functions and aliases aimed at enhancing the PowerShell experience. It includes everything from module management and profile updates to utility functions and quality-of-life improvements.

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  1. I use powershell all the time for work and I love how you can just use dotnet directly from it to do anything, but I hate how often i need to use cmd /c for specific things that cmd did better. Even where has to be where.exe because where is an alias for Where-Object in pwsh

  2. How did you install this beautiful bar on top, instead of explorer.exe?
    Is this some sort of tiling wm for windows, or you just running linux on host and making frameless transition into windows terminal somehow?

  3. I think you could instead of checking for updates every launch, check forupdates every login or boot or n amount of hours by scheduling a task in the task scheduler

  4. I've been using Git Bash with Windows Terminal and it's been working great, last time I checked out Powershell it took 2s or more to start which was an immediate deal breaker

  5. I actually prefer the classic console host over Windows terminal. Windows terminal does not like copy and pasting code. Im a weirdo that likes to write code in VSCode and copy paste into a console windows rather than using the built in console of VSCode. Ive always done it that way.

    I do like some of your profile ideas. Im definitely setting the PSReadlineOptions.

  6. I just create shortcuts for all the hard to find stuff in windows. The 'control panel' is one I can't live without. If you right click on that network icon, (once you find it) you can create a shortcut real easy. That's what I do since remembering CLI commands will always be far beyond my brains ability. Cheers 🍻

  7. I think it depends a lot on your use case. I don't usually need aliases or updates. The things that I mainly need, I already have in an autohotkey gui. Smaller self made scripts embedded in the gui. If I need something else specific, I update what I have. If you're a web dev or programmer, and not an it supporter like me, your use case might be very different.

  8. I think I know what I'm going to do on Monday morning when I get back to the office. I'll steal the profile and customize it for myself 😉

  9. 12:36 – Just be true to yourself, and be better than anybody watching, and don't worry about what people say… still trying to figure out how I got Powershell 7 to install on the other computer…

  10. Is this better than powershell with security / scripting permissions?

    Somewhere, back in time, I changed some security setting and I cannot run half my python programs from powershell and I even have problems creating or activating virtual environments. I have gone through the standards set-executionpolicy steps for all the users and even completely unrestricted it and that still did nothing. I just ended up going back to the standard CMD and terminal and all is grand, but I miss the powershell.

  11. Chris, have you tried out Wezterm? As a tmux user on the Linux side, I find myself way more at home with it than windows terminal.

    Also, the other issue I've had with using complex powershell profiles like this is how much it increases the startup time of the terminal… Drives me nuts.

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