
Can We HACK Out of the SIMULATION? | Neogenian

If reality is a simulation then shouldn’t we be able to hack our way out? Join me as we discover how to transcend this existence …


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  1. Simulations are controlled by an outside entity and everything in simulations are not capable of doing anything that is not incorporated into it. Also, simulations don't have devices to alter the source code. So why would this simulation be any different? Now,if we're in a real world but viewing the simulation from a first person p.o.v. through a device, then we must not have any friends or family that care enough about us to tell us to take a break.

  2. I've noticed a reoccurring desire of "highly consciously awakened" people wanting to escape, or "transcend", out of this place for a multitude of reasons including the belief that this place can't be changed and is design to hold people back. However, if more, or the majority, of people here become "highly consciously awakened" to "levels" equating to what some people like Jesus, Buddha, etc. are claimed to have accomplished, it may be possible to "transcend" not just humanity, but this dimension we're all in. in other words, it may be possible to transform earth into a state of "heaven", "eternal bliss", etc. That being said, it may not be in everyone's best interest to set their ultimate goal to seek escape from here.

  3. I almost hacked out one time. But I was pulled back in by a strong force after I already pierced the veil covering this universe and was about to escape.

    But I did catch a glimpse of other worlds outside here.


  4. If you're dreaming and you think you have found a new reality and someone drops a brick on your head, you will understand what reality you are actually in. Maybe the brain creates visions and constructs but still resides in the in the 3rd dimension.

  5. I have a question that's been bothering me. If the fundamental source of everything is frequencies, and frequencies are the number of waves over time, is the ultimate mind/consciousness also bound by time? You cannot have frequencies without time.

  6. Two particles can't communicate on a vast distance, that's a general misconception. It's just that the characteristics of one particle, makes the charecteristics of the other particle known.
    It's like two gloves are entangled and I have only the left glove, then I know that the entangled glove has to be the right one.

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