
A Hyper-Realistic Game About Being Lost in Liminal Spaces..

Welcome to a new Liminal Spaces game called POOLS. One could say POOLS is like an art gallery where you look around and …


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  1. I miss waves when you move around the water, also an undisturbed pool would have no waves to begin with, the physics are weird. It looks cool though

  2. Wait , no one talked about this : in 26:06 there were only two ducks in yellow, then when he got close starting from 26:10 it seemed like another shadowy duck was moving behind the yellow duck, or am I imaginning things ? 😂

  3. I wanna cuss this dude out, you hear lockers opening, & don’t go to open them up? Also you see these big opening & then a hallway & you turn your back on hallways, just to look at the wide opening nothingness.

  4. Interesting concept, unfortunately marred by really poor sound design. Everything is massively exaggerated to the point it sounds like a video game when it should be sounding like a bad dream. You're neck deep in water and it's making this incredibly loud splashing sound… have the devs ever waded through neck-deep water? It's practically silent. The same issue plagues shallow water. There should be a wading sound effect, but instead it sounds like the player is lifting their knees up to chest height and stomping through the water. The exaggerated breathing when you sit down, the weird, canned sound they chose for wet shoes… the fact they chose shoes at all instead of bare feet. Everything is ramped up to 11 and all subtlety is lost.

    The same goes for the post-processing effects they use by default as well, fortunately you can turn those down. It all just comes across as the developer trying so hard to make the game seem creepy that they push it too far out of hyperreality and into "just a video game" territory. Subtlety is key and the game fails at that in several places.

  5. It is oк with the lightning at your room… It is Alright.
    We are all mannequins, caught in this world that is
    illusion… Fragmented Awareness/Consciousness
    that is experiencing itself in everything/everyone

  6. I have migraine and i avoid big light at all cost like i only use little light like in the video, so i really get it, dont worry light like these is perfect it even put on a mood

  7. Whoever installed those tiles, they back is broken 😂
    I do tiling for a living and just watching this gives me anxiety

    No wonder it’s all abandoned shit was mad expensive

  8. Personally I think this has got to be one of the coolest things I've seen in my life. Probably in the top 100 somewhere and that's saying a lot. Good find.
    I'm actually new to your channel. I'm sure I'll be back. And a side note.. the lighting is good. Vibin.

  9. Lighting is perfect. I'd suggest you keep it this especially if it's better for your health. The dark lighting draws away from the gameplay less but enough lighting that the video of you still adds to the overall video experience.

  10. the quality is amazing without the light, no need to torture yourself to have a light! it’s not bothersome at ALL lol as a matter of fact it amps up the ambiance and experience especially with horror games

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