
Why Fedora Silverblue Is the Future of Linux | Immutable OS

Discover why Fedora Silverblue is gaining popularity as a cutting-edge Linux distribution. In this video, we explore the unique …


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  1. Maybe one addition: There are specialized systems available for developers or gamers that are based on the silverblue technic. You can quite easily switch to universal blue images, such as bazzite for an even more optimized/tailored experience. I use bazzite on my gaming machine and it just runs and updates and runs without any manual intervention.

  2. I thought at one time Immutable Distros where going to be the future and they might but they have one major issue. Updates and users needed some software out of the box. For businesses they make perfect sense, as everything will be the same on all PCs (as long as hardware is the same for the most part). For instance what is someone has nVidia and needs Cuda for some tasks and another has AMD and need HIP. There are some work arounds, but that is what they are.

    So for businesses I see Immutable being a thing, if they can leave Windows. For most basic users, Non-geeks. But for gamers, content creators, etc . they might need more of the freedom to add whatever to the core.

    I was running HoloOS for a while, which is basically the SteamDeck's OS but for PC. It was great for the most part, except for I like lsd, duf, fastfetch, etc which are not installed in the Immutable. I had to do a special round about way to get distrobox installed, then I could use those apps, even get HIP running but its a lot of extra work and some things still didnt work correctly.

  3. I tried several distros in the past few years, silverblue has been the most reliable one on my hardware. The only other that worked as nice as silverblue has been opensuse Aeon, which has also a lot faster software center (but so far Aeon is not officially released yet). Other distros always had instabilities ( ubuntu, tumbleweed…) and/or viruses detected just out of the box with a clam scan ( nothing major I'm sure but still I prefer to not detect anything on a freshly installed distro)

  4. I do appreciate you making this video. IMO immutable OSes are bloat, especially with Flatpak. I like the idea, but bundling every dependency is the Windows/Mac way of doing things, not UNIX/Linux. That's what's so great about C shared object files, because every desktop Linux install already has them and developers can link an application against them, thereby eliminating application bloat.

  5. What if you break something not by updating but by changing the configuration? Silverblue won't help you. Btrfs snapshot will. So why the claims about the future if it's worse than regular Btrfs?

  6. Thanks for explaining this to us. Love your channel. Just found it few days ago, and have been watching your content. You're a great Presenter and have incredible communication skills.

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