
Top Ten Disrespectful Fighting Game Super Moves (Vol. 3)

It’s basically an annual tradition on this channel to break out the disrespectful super moves in fighting games. Which Super Moves …


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  1. Top 10:
    Bruce Lee look alikes
    military characters
    drunken fist characters
    sword users
    axe users
    nunchuck users
    hammer users
    claw users
    knife users
    secret characters
    character rivalries
    extra modes

    in fighting games

  2. What makes Lord Zed's super move even funnier is that normally Putties in
    the Power Rangers universe are the ones that get their butts handed to
    them on a silver platter by the heroes. Not the case here!

  3. The fart that Kuma does is called the great wind.
    Reminds me of something Jeff Foxworthy used to say I felt bad enagrate wind came outta my rear end and i feel a whole lot better now

  4. A big one for me is SF6 Akuma's level 3. The default one is just a big punch to the face. No theatrics, no flexing, just Akuma laying you out. His critical art though takes it further. You actually manage to block the punch, and all you get for your efforts is a point blank fireball straight to the face. You mean absolutely nothing to Akuma, even when you're doing something Exceedingly difficult, like catching his fist.

  5. I still think defeating your opponent with a move that damages you both and also deletes hitboxes of supers like Ryu's as Phoenix Wright in UMvC3 is my favorite way to disrespect my opponent

  6. I'm suprised you haven't put Marisa's super from Touhou 14.5 and 15.5 where she throws somebody into the toilet
    I mean, it does make sense. All the supers in those two games are based on popular urban legends (Byakuren's is Turbo Granny and Kokoro's Kuchisake-onna for example) and Hanako is a spirit who haunts school toilets but it doesn't get any less disrespectful.

  7. The thing with the Kaioken combo that Goku pulled on Nappa is that is one of the few times Goku pulled a technique specifically designed to incapacitate the enemy. Yeah, Nappa wasn't even in the same level but there were times when Goku just gave the opponent enough chance to back down before ending the fight immediately, Recoome almost had no time and Burter and Jeice got more luck in that aspect.

  8. Im still wainting for top 10 knights or top 10 Barbardians in fighting games.For knghts im sure that nr 1 will be Seigfred(Im hope that im write this right,my german don't exist) and for barbardians im intrigued because im only know also from SoulCalibur Rock and Astaroth(eventually that pirate woman from SamSho and yes im know that she is pirate but for her weapon and look she can be also barbardian)PS:Im sorry if im not write something grammatically correct im not from USA or UK,Im from Poland

  9. Excellent selection of disrespect!!! it's just so entertaining to see these in action!!!! I'm still debating between Lord Zedd and Juri to be honest with you! ❤️😂 Anybody who laughs while sitting on the throne definitely deserves high marks!😊

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