
THE SECRET MINES WAR! | Roblox: Floor 2 (Theory)

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  1. Seek can’t go into the nest because the guiding light is stopping him from moving infecting and killing all the giggles and grumbles because he infected the queen grumbles very easily

  2. If this is true, then this leads me to believe (like we had the sewers after 150) we'll get some dungeon areas after or in 250 if the grumbles won't be able to get a queen without her. It won't be that unreasonable to think about.

    Also correction: (like any other comment) guiding light stopped him. It's confirmed by the developers, everything which looks or is organic, will be consumed by seeks goo. Seek would have definitely loved to get into the nest in my opinion, which makes that this is a stalemate turf war rather unreasonable, BUT Seek is mainly chasing the player which might mean Seek NEVER CARED until we have come. We might be the only ones EVER getting to the castle. It's pure speculation, atleast for me, but if we go off of this and knowing that we the player probably angered Seek, Seek might appear much more often. Maybe before he appears, and just shows up with his eyes on the walls, he might block off a few areas in that room to make it harder for us. I might be wrong, mainly beacuse I'm thinking then.
    If I would construct the floor that here is what I would think:

    Room 201-240 nothing special
    Room 240 garantueed Seek chase
    Room 250 Quuen Shriek boss fight in total darkness, you will get a flashlight but lose it. If you already had a flashlight, you won't get another, neither would you lose your old flashlight. Maybe it would look like a dunngeon area (I would rather call it Shriek than screech)
    Room 250-260 every room is part of the dungeon
    Room 260 Figure
    Room 260-290 nothing special
    Room 290 Grumbles hunting you down for 4 doors, (extra long rooms)
    Room 295 switch to last seek chase
    Room 300 Grumble x Shriek bossfight
    Also, Screech most of the time appears in dark places. Not all the time Screech could still spawn in rooms with light, but rarer

    Shriek 250 bossfight Concept:
    In my head I thought of, If we look at screech it goes away, so if we look at the Shriek with a flashlight it will go away, but ONLY WITH a flashlight. There will be some lights in rooms to navigate them easier, but every passing that Shriek can pass is totally dark except if you have your own light source.
    The AI of Shriek will work like this. Shriek will most of the time sneak up to the player very fast and silent. If you notice your screen starting to shake look behind you. Just looking at it will slow it down, but using the flashlight, you get in the beginning, or if you already have one, you will stun it and the Shriek might retreat and come back after half a minute. Light sources like a breaklight will only slow it down except if you throw one at it. It seems very easy, but here's the catch, with everytime you make Shriek retreat Shriek gets faster permanently. It can stack up to 5 more times, plus your flashlight battery will deplete faster if you shine it at Shriek.

    I will do 290 and 300 some time later this week. It's just speculation so nothing of this is correct and nothing should be taken seriously of the floor 3 concept. I also included stuff partially that I want too.

  3. L think chapter 3 we’re going see screech queen and seek take in a kinda seek king form or a dragon and we mite see figure knight seek or work together figure mite get a seek form a get more flesh parts who knows

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