
The Men In Foodie Beauty’s Life Always Embarrass Her (i would leave the internet)

Open…. Thank you so much for watching! Foodie Beauty has a talent for attracting men who embarrass her all over this platform.


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  1. At least 2 things are true about Chantel, she will never learn from her experiences, no matter how much she publicly humiliates herself, no matter how hard she gets financially drained, she will never learn
    And #2 those filters will never ever cease to amaze me, her eyes alone in her smugy smug clip are 3x
    Bigger than her natural eyes, and that's just the tip of the berg. They literally transform her into someone who is unrecognizable as herself
    and quite possibly be the source if her confusion on her opinion of her "beauty"
    If Chantel really wants a factual answer & counter to "if i am being scammed" fill in the blank, she needs to check out
    Phat Cow Chronicles, a really good YT channel, that recently released a video on why Chantel is the perfect target for romance scammers.
    It's narrated beautifully, if I were a betting girl I'd bet if she watched that video she would not only get all the answers to her question " if I was being scammed" she woukd recognize the script and the scam method that was used on her. She 100% has been and is being scammed.

  2. Most have heard of the infamous B&E night when she lost her mind, after knowing him for 2 whole weeks had a public meltdown bc he didn't pick up the phone, after he told her he was going out with friends, broadcasting her desperation online to her chat how dare he ignore him. Even odd even for a crazy jealous and desperate Chantel
    But we found out later, and even some of us suspected she must have paid his rent or given him money, bc even though it don't work like that, she that's a license to own him
    She stupidly or naively believed he wouldn't take money if they weren't exclusive or an item. Chantel is still doing that same thing today she bought Salah because he can be bought and is a RS, and still believes she's owed whatever she considers a relationship. One thing about Chantel is because she doesn't have a realistic view of who she is, her appearance, or what she brings to a relationship, never stays in her lane. Reaching for well above her pay grade she ends up finding hustlers and scammers more then willing to take her money, and will play the part just enough to keep her on the hook. Current day she has never looked worse, been more socially awkward
    and forever gross and disgusting, and not near the money she used to have
    She knows once Salah who i think is still there in part bc he shares Chantel mindset that she will never prove haters right,no matter how miserable they are. But he will dump her eventually and she no longer has the money to buy another man she considers a trophy &
    I love it all for her😀

  3. It’s all scripted who an earth would go be with chantel willingly of course she would have to pay them only men she can get without paying maybe is homeless men she’s such a monster nobody would be with her she’s not a lady men want women who act lady like & not shit in the woods act like a child

  4. Oh my where do you start. Let me just say I was around for CHO, right here with Charlie, hysterical Charlie, but I dipped when she filed the false S/A charges, that was my line. Months later happened to check back in to a clip of her waddling on a beach in what I thought was a penguin suit.
    and went on to realize the heifer was even more dumb & desperate then I could have imagined and ended up falling for a romance scam, off the heels of getting hung out to dry & suffer the ultimate humiliation by a street hustler that played her at her own game and won. All I can say is
    The things Chantel has said
    and done, being the forever delulu Canadian queen that she will never be, all if it has aged as well as she has. At last check karma has come in strong hitting her from the outside in… I love it so much for her…

  5. one day, maybe for an anniversary of the channel… I'd love a full timeline breakdown from Charlie. like from bb to currently b/c I missed a lot while charlie was on hiatus. this is the only channel I watch in this corner of yt.

  6. charlie. long time silent follower, can you please post more compilation type videos exploring chantal’s and amber’s contradictions, lies and manipulation. i love you always❣️

  7. Omg someone in the chat yesterday compared her weird smug “Canadian queen” rant to 3llio+ R0dger and I was like ummm… but I sat with that for awhile and JFC the parallels are there. What an eerie bitch.

  8. Charlieeeee 🫶🏻 watching on playback, you're spoiling us with these back to backs 😍 I know it's unrelated but I'd loveeee to see a video showing your makeup and tools collection, or more vids of you doing your face!

  9. Ahhhh, long time viewer and I haven’t been able to catch you live since you’ve been back. I started watching you right before I graduated undergrad, now I’m almost finished with my masters. Hoping to pop in on the next live if school and work allows 😂

  10. Uhh what did she expect nick to do? she literally sat on a live stream open for all the world to see and ranted about him and how she was going to play mind games and what not most well adjusted sane people don't find that kind of stuff cute from a grown women or attractive in a potential partner keep your weird ass rants to your friends who kind of get you or can at least try to talk sense into you…fgs gorl its not rocket science

  11. Bless the Belgian who was up late and caught this! I'm a morning person in Basel, so I'm catching the live on replay. I really appreciate that you have such a scalpel-level of precision with your clips. It really demonstrates how clear and coherent your thinking is, unlike hers.

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