
The Mac Pro Void Linux Droid

Check out the Bambu A1 printer I used here: Thank you Bambu for sponsoring today’s video! Today we’re …


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  1. I gotta say that I never thought I'd see my Mac Pro conversion anywhere at all, great job on the print! I have Pop!_OS running on mine, apart from just loving the desktop they're they only distro I've tried that auto-detected the wifi adapter in that old Mac. Also thanks to @Jeremy on Printables for pointing me over here, I'll think about doing a head for it…

  2. Damn, the Bambu A1 printer looks sweet and it's not even very expensive? I'm a Linux user (no Windows or Mac OS on my computer) so I suspect I wouldn't be able to use it; or wouldn't get the whole featureset. But it does tempt me. I remember the first time I ever heard about 3D printing, I thought it was a hoax because it sounded too much like science fiction. What you just did would have blown my mind a couple of decades ago.

  3. But if the legs are glued to the tube and the base, how are you going to open the housing next time you need to work on the internals?
    Or is this trying to go for the late-model MacBook aesthetic, where the entire system is glued together and unservicable? (I'm just expecting Apple to eventually start potting their macbooks like an old C64 power brick).

  4. Have a read up on the history and business practices of Bambu. CCP funded and likely stole a ton of tech from the Western companies that built the industry. That software you love is a fork of Prusa Slicer (which is a fork of Slic3r) which they constantly violate the AGPL license for by not feeding in their changes. Just like DJI destroyed 3DR, Bambu are doing the same in this market. Great printers yes, ethical though… hmm. The end is inevitable though as I sit here with two DJI drones on my desk.

  5. Thank you for letting me know about VCF Midwest! I live less than 10 min away, had no idea of the conventions existence, and that it had been running for a better part of two decades.

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