
The Initiation of Humanity and the Collective Crossing of the Threshold by Florian Sydow, Hawaii.

The Initiation of Humanity
and the Collective Crossing of the
Threshold. The Emergence of the Global
Brain and the Michaelic Battle in the Realm
of Human and Cosmic Intelligence.
Online Presentation by
Florian Sydow, Hawaii.

The Rapid Development and Expansion of the Internet and
World Wide Web (WWW) to encompass the Entire Earth and
more recently the Proliferation of new forms of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) can be seen as contributing towards the
Emergence of a Global Brain. Aside from the fiber-optic cables
and terrestrial wireless transmitters proliferating around the
Earth, thousands of low-orbiting-satellites are being deployed
to assure global reach. A vast array of high-tech devices and
apps link the human population to this global brain. With the
advent of brain-computer interface devices such as Neuralink
and other neural-implants, humanity is moving towards a
cyborgian future that will blur the distinction between human
and machine. Such developments can be seen as a precursor to
the Ahrimanically inspired vision of a transhuman and
posthuman evolutionary future. The so-called Singularity Event
that involves crossing a boundary into an unknown future can
be seen as a technologically driven Threshold Event which
coincides with the development of Artificial General
Intelligence (AGI) and the prospect of future Artificial Super

Intelligence (ASI). This Singularity event can set the stage for a
meeting with the Lower Guardian of the Threshold on a
collective level. The adversarial forces preparing this threshold
event will take full advantage of the fact that humanity will be
inclined to cross this boundary unconsciously without the
requisite faculties. How can those who are awake and
watchful prepare?

Viewed from an Anthroposophical Perspective the Great Battle
Between Michael and his Hosts and Ahriman which Rudolf
Steiner often spoke of can come into view. We shall look at
these developments in relation to the most significant event of
our time the Second Coming of Christ in the Etheric Realm.


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