
Sonic Forces Speed Battle 🔴🎶 Idol Shadow 🎶 Gameplay 🎶🔴


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  1. I love this character but sadly the boost is doing too much for me. It's worse than slugger sonics and it would've been neat if they made his boost like punk zazz and Dj vectors but golden themed..that would work better because atleast you can move alot to catch up better.

    Also, People can easily hit yah if theres 3 music notes in the same lane making you stay in the same place for long to get them and catch up.

    (Im yapping but it's true! ;-;)

  2. There seems to be a BUG…… … I don't know … that is, when using this character's extreme speed … there is a probability that the screen can't be scratched … I don't know why.

  3. I love Idol Shadow's design so much❤
    I think he's stronger than DJ Vector because he already has the storm cloud like him, he doesn't have a better projectile but he still has a shield like Rockstar Rouge so it’s better for me, and his boost lasts longer than his and I find he's faster. So I think he’s easily top 5.

  4. Idol shadow boost is so slow but the attacks are great, if you are away from your opponents the boost won't be able to get hold of them 😞 Good gamplay🎵🎶 The boost need a buff on the speed (but not so much)

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