So, Who is a Borderline? (ForbesWomen, with Gustavo Egusquiza)

Identity disturbance (unstable identity, fragile sense of self)

Emptiness, false self, fantasy defense.

External regulation

Impaired reality testing (e.g., paranoia, overestimation of intimacy like in HPD), psychotic microepisodes

Self-harm, suicidal ideation, self-destructive cognitions and actions: self-punitive, silence internal turmoil, call for help, feeling alive (dead inside)

Recklessness, impulsivity, secondary psychopathy

Emotional volatility, affective lability, emotional dysregulation (DBT): anger, reactive mood shifts and changes

Intense interpersonal relationships involve idealization-devaluation (relational disorder)

Twin anxieties: abandonment/rejection-engulfment/intimacy, approach-avoidance repetition compulsion

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