
Shifty Woman Appears to be Concealing Something | I Was Sleeping!

Welcome to CopStopTV! We head to Jackson, Mi where the cops were called to a gas station for a woman passed out behind the wheel. Upon approaching her she is responsive but appears to be hiding something.

CopStopTV provides unbiased and authentic footage of incidents captured on body cams. We believe this footage can be used as an educational and informational guide for viewers to analyze and evaluate situations. The videos on this channel have been obtained through Public Records Requests.We don’t publish footage that has already been previously released.

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  1. Cant shine a bright light in someone's eyes & talk about them having small pupils. What do you think the light does to pupils, dumb-dumb? Thats the daft actions that can be argued in court & get guilty people off on technicalities 🤦

  2. Why didn’t the cop get her out as soon as he saw the drugs in her pocket? He let her reach around and act shady for a good couple minutes before asking her to get out. Pretty sure that’s not how he was trained…

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