
Reviewing All Settlers Uniques in Patch 3.25 P2 | Path of Exile

If you want to checkout the settler league uniques there listed below, would recommend checking POE.Ninja for builds utilizing …


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  1. Hey, about the king of the mist, you said it’s pretty common for his invite to show up in ritual. Is there a trick I’m missing to get it to show up more often that I’m missing? I bet I’ve ran 150 maps specked with ritual and probably about half with ritual scarabs without it ever showing up

  2. I'd use Mightblood Ire if it also gave extra strike targets. The splash is technically good for right side builds, which are the ones who can best make use of tinctures since that's where tincture effect is, but splash doesn't even scale with effect so you'd only be scaling the stun. Unless I'm just unaware, I don't think scaling tincture effect is enough to heavily stun bosses with it.

    Right side builds don't have many options for additional strike targets since for some reason GGG put only a single Attack Mastery for Ranger/Shadow, and it's behind an extra proj node, so it would be cool to see it on a tincture as another option.

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