
New technology revolutionises mining sector with renewable energy solutions

New cutting-edge technology is revolutionising the global mining sector through the deployment of electric autonomous mining trucks and loaders and the development of solar power stations on site.

It also promises to increase job opportunities and economic growth in the sector.

“Transitioning to electric and renewable energy solutions is critical for the mining industry,” Middle East and Australia Breton Technology Chairman Lance Kawaguchi said.

“The mining industry accounts for approximately 11 per cent of global energy consumption and also seven per cent of global emissions.”


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  1. A normal everyday truck eats 4MW of battery in a shift and these things are going to run on electricity?
    I have a block of flats on the top of Sydney Harbour Bridge, forced sale due to interest rates so get em while they're cheap!

  2. I think Huawei smart cities have been doing this for nearly a year now. This why accepting a new model of social development should engage all and not to continue to create ivory tower economics. USA and western economies are hurting themselves in dreaming to be better than others. Some countries are showing improvements are higher level than previous thought. The small middle east player has shown that operative technologies are not exclusive

  3. This is hilarious. My son works in the mines in Western Australia. They tested one of the first EVs in the mine. It lasted a couple of months before being pushed into a corner underground and left to rust.
    Solar is a joke on a mine. They run 24/7. Batteries last a couple of minutes. They need reliable 24/7 power which usually comes from 5 or so massive diesel generators, enough to power a large city.
    The solar panels are usually not even connected.
    The dangers with these renewables and EVs on a mine site is incredible. Imagine an ev truck burning itself underground. Toxic smoke filling the entire mine through the ventilation.
    This story is too funny.

  4. I can't make any sense of this. So a car could go 1000km with electricity and a really (ok I'm lying) big battery. It's mainly just cost that the batteries are capped at 350km (smaller and cheaper), so if you're paying like 300k USD for one if these trucks i think u can afford a 30k battery. Also the maintenance truck is still needed plus ground crew. I think its all a bit pie in the sky. It should be easy. Nothing special

  5. Only a fool believes this virtue signaling rubbish. They would have to spend 100s of millions more to implement this. How many hours would it take to recharge these huge trucks and the capacity they carry would be halved. I've seen EVs towing caravans lucky to get 100ks down the road before needing to recharge.

  6. What a LOAD of CRAP!

    Batteries CANNOT match the SAME Full Day Workload of their Internal Combustion Motors, the life of a battery is horrific, and the DISPOSALE of that battery is also horrific!

    STOP the Electric Fanaticism and get HONEST!

    Cheers from the Oil Patch in Central WY

  7. I'm wondering 🤔.. Are the buildings that this gentleman works in, How is it powered?? Do they have solar panels on the roof?? Are they investing in new smart ways of having zero emission for their buildings??

  8. A few other countries have nuclear energy. They say it’s the best. It’s clean and cheaper than any other. Has our energy czars checked into this ? It would save a lot of land from having trees cut down. The solar panels go for miles! And the Turpins cost millions of dollars to make. And nothing in them is recyclable. Their bad ones being buried in the ground. There was a picture of a Hugh field of them being buried!

  9. This is well polished gobbledygook talk for robots taking more jobs. Eventually, all humans will become obsolete except for the few elitists who own the robots. The soothing autonomous green power story is a rouse. 😊

  10. We could do with this in the United Kingdom. OOPS! We have no mining industry, got shut down some years ago. I see the sales men and women are here ardent about the benefits of new technology, as they were in the eighteen hundreds with more jobs being made by new machinery taking the place of workers

  11. mining will be one of the first industries to fully automate – all those jobs will be gone soon. a bunch of robot trucks and diggers with AI – a single diesel mechanic onhand a single coder on hand as site manager. rest is watch them dig and deliver to trucks which will also be automated.

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