
Keith Neumeyer Unveils Critical Catalysts for First Mining Gold – (Gold Price Too!)

Join us for an insightful webinar featuring Keith Neumeyer, founder and chairman of First Mining Gold, and Paul Morris, director of …


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  1. It was a good company but they diluted too much. That's why the share price keeps falling. It's a shame really. They'll have to consolidate at some point, even though they say they won't.

  2. I like Kieth, but First Magestic stock has been a terrible investment so far. Other that silver squeeze, where I should have sold, it has underperformed to say the least. Jarrett Canyon has been the boat anchor. Having said that, I am still holding a medium size investment in AG as I view it as a leveraged play on silver.

  3. the share price speaks the the true not car seller keith ,if first miming is so good why first majestic take gatos not first mining? by the way look at the share price of first majestic he speak also the true . only becouse the groud love you that mean non you are a good manager

  4. I wish I had bought more Gold in the Past , I remember $40.00 Gold , $260.00 Gold . $1600.00 Gold , I bought some at $1924.00 . The kids don't get it . They want "fun now" You might be 70 Years old some Time in the future , Every time you blow off $20.00 that's a Week of living in the Dark , Not having food etc. .

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