
How Enriched URANIUM is MADE☢️ | How URANIUM is EXTRACTED FROM MINES | From Mine to Reactor

Embark on a fascinating journey into the world of nuclear energy as we explore the process of extracting and processing uranium, one of the Earth’s most powerful elements, to fuel nuclear reactors and generate electricity. Join us as we delve into the depths of the world’s largest high-quality uranium deposit in northern Saskatchewan, Canada, and witness the intricate steps involved in transforming this element into nuclear fuel.

Discover how uranium, first discovered in 1789, plays a crucial role in nuclear energy production and how scientists harnessed its power to generate electricity over a century later. From the initial excavation process, where drills penetrate 500 meters underground, to the extraction of uranium ore from beneath layers of sandstone, we unveil the rigorous methods used to obtain this vital resource.

Follow the journey of uranium ore as it undergoes various processes, including crushing, grinding, and chemical treatment, to extract and purify the uranium. Learn how uranium dioxide pellets are formed, each capable of generating immense amounts of energy, and witness their journey from production to insertion into nuclear reactor cores.


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  1. Doctrine JUGGUT ——————- Feet articles are not for head,

    Intelligence is human brain intellectual ability which leads to Truth destination and "Wisdom" is that "Don't appoint black and Dark brown Or white and yellow Skin people OR other non-merit and incompetent AS your Officers.

    Everyone should go there where they belong to and in that Black and Dark brown Skin people should go to Black African countries and Chines should go to China and English and Mirza should go to English countries and Bangali should go to Bangladesh and "Mian, Daar, Butt, Qazi, Tareen, Melik" should go to German countries and Bhutto go to France and "Rana" caste people go to Sirilanka and Arabic people go to Arabic countries to show their "Merit| and their "Merit competence" performance and not to steel others and not to spread their "Satanic Nonsense SHIT" in other areas of this world.

  2. Uranium waste can be recycled as a battery by breaking it more to a smaller particles and coating it with cobalt metal and using the old black carbon rod conductor of the everyday battery size replacing the old mangganese with uranium liquid waste.

  3. Impressive technology but tragically wasted on the most inefficient and filthy way to extract energy from nuclear fuel. Simply converting natural uranium to UCl4 and running this in a molten chloride fast spectrum reactor would enable the use of the 99.3% uranium 238 isotope too, thus increasing the energy yield >100× as well as reducing the production of dangerous radioactive waste.

  4. 😊But quran said about this iron 1400 years ago .

    al hadid :25 ( iron )
    We have already sent Our messengers with clear evidences and sent down with them the Scripture and the balance that the people may maintain [their affairs] in justice. And We sent down iron, wherein is great military might and benefits for the people, and so that Allah may make evident those who support Him and His messengers unseen. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.

  5. Задолбал этот уран. Везде он. Относится к тем кто его добывает, и кому он надоел. Если вы в этой сфере работаете от него воротить начинает. А если перекупщики биржевые, то вы его не касаетесь. И процентов 85 прибыли поднимаете.

  6. very interesting process, but this is just one of the tech man was not meant to know, except by fallen wisdom. Repent and Believe in the Lord JESUS and you shall inherit Eternal Life.

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