
How bad is Windows spying?

What is Windows 11 Actually collecting? In this video I investigate what data microsoft sends home on your day to day usage.


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  1. I feel like Microsoft scares me way less than social media right now.
    Even if you don't give them your personal info, some of your friends/colleagues IRL will.
    And social media is not even hiding the data theft..
    They openly state they're using it as they wish.

    Problem is that Windows is headed that way and they defacto control of our PCs (unless linux yada yada yada yeah I know) so we have a lot to lose.

  2. Uuuum with little research, you can stop all that shit, also the updates permanently, turn back the old wi dows 10 taskbar and tadaaa you have spy free windows 11, you dont even need to be so tech savvy

  3. I've just come to terms that they send EVERYTHING. It's been a losing battles for years. Installing windows is actually quicker now then all the fixes and tweaks you need to do afterwards to stay private.

    I'm a gamer, but I'm seriously thinking about linux before they force me to install Recall.

    Are there updated lists around so I can block every microsoft server on planet Earth?😂

  4. don't mean to sound rude but
    why did you not get to the sauce here?
    Where's the bad bad?
    so they are sending a bunch of data & the possibility of something more malign may be there COOL
    I'm not going to spend 13 minutes looking for that
    why are you not getting to the point faster?

  5. I’m a lifetime windows AND Mac user, and while apple isn’t perfect, it’s by far the best in the privacy department. Windows only users often argue it’s just marketing, then get surprised when they get way more targeted ads

    Spoiler- most of them use chrome too

  6. so THAT'S why my brand new tiny laptop i got for college that had windows 11 ran so goddamn slow (it also stopped working for no damn reason after like, a single year and I have no idea how to fix it), and my other laptop that i've had for years with windows 10 still runs leagues faster despite having numerous other issues

  7. Help me understand please, you use big words like spying and data collection, but isn't that what happened in everything these days? google gmail does it everytime you log in into any app, security cameras and recording something and posting it on line without the other parties consent, isn't it a form of spying too? I can go on for days on everyday practices that considered 'spying', besides what are they even collecting? preferences and usage data for ads, what's the harm in that? beside wasting resources your PC could use somewhere else.

  8. What a useless video till 6:26 at least. And the comments show that clearly everyone comes here with their bias and they don't even watch the video.
    This guy literally searches something in cortana, and cortana makes an API call each time he presses a letter IN ORDER to make live search suggestions and he shows it as if Microsoft wants to steal his data. Then he rumbles and talks like he's having a stroke and gets surprised at any API call.
    Let's be a little clear. Of course we don't want them to get our data… But for fssake your search being saved for them knowing what is popular or your choosing of the taskbar placement being sent to microsoft isn't really spying. It's developers wanting to know what matters to the end user. It is statistics kept. It is not personalized or at least it doesn't need to be. Chill out

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