
Free Active Directory Pentesting Lab Setup: GOAD

GOAD is the easiest way to deploy an Active Directory pentesting lab that I have seen. It can be run right on your own hardware …


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  1. long time no see Conda-san. Mayfly made a treat with this (as well as Exegol project which I discovered at the same time) so it was a blast. really interested in your view, ideas and tricks for this engagement. nice to see ya back dude.

  2. Hi Brandon, I'm Glad to see you back making videos on GOAD. I've been a fan of it since the first version of GOAD. I'm looking forward to you attacking it. I'm glad you explained where you have been, as I have been wondering for some time what happened to you. But as you said, life happened. Congratulations on getting married and buying a house. These are significant steps, including moving. I remember doing your pentest lab last, which was very fun too.

  3. If I wasn't in the middle of pen200 I would for sure play with this. Are there any "misconfigurations" in goad that may be useful for those of us studying ? Thanks for the video, this stuff is very cool.

  4. Followed the installation as you did, but on Virtual Box for the Kali Machine. When running the script to install the GOAD VMs, they fail with the error:
    There was an error while executing `VBoxManage`, a CLI used by Vagrant

    for controlling VirtualBox. The command and stderr is shown below.

    Command: ["startvm", "254c6381-b3c8-4cae-b56d-609bbaa014ae", "–type", "headless"]

    Stderr: VBoxManage: error: VT-x is not available (VERR_VMX_NO_VMX)

    VBoxManage: error: Details: code NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005), component ConsoleWrap, interface IConsole


    [!] vagrant finish with error abort

    There is no documentation on this issue. I have VT-d enable per BIOS on my physical machine but keep receiving this error. Is there anyone having this similar issue and has it resolved? If there is any help, I would greatly appreciate it.

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