Cracking WiFi WPA2 Handshake using AirCrack-NG – WiFi Pentesting

A complete set of tools for evaluating WiFi network security is called Aircrack-ng.

It focuses on various aspects of WiFi security, including:

Monitoring: Packet capture and text file export of data for processing by external tools
Attacking: Packet injection attacks such as replay attacks, de-authentication, false access points, and others
Testing: Verifying the WiFi cards’ and drivers’ (capture and injection) capabilities
Cracking: WPA PSK (WPA 1 and 2) and WEP
Since every tool is command-line based, extensive scripting is possible. This feature has been utilized by several GUIs. It runs best on Linux, but it also functions on other operating systems like Windows, macOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Solaris, and even eComStation 2.

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