
Burkina Faso Nationalizes Two Gold Mines from British Mining Company

Burkina Faso has struck a deal to nationalize two gold mines for about $80mn that London-based Endeavour Mining planned last …


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  1. Africa already been stripped of everything…. this is why Africans and Americans are different. An American will die to prevent this from initially happening. Cherokees and arwaks the blacks of western world fought colonialism while africans bowed down

  2. Smart, make sure they keep the ‘AshkeNazi international bank cartel out of their country’, additionally ban the Jesuits’, the Vatican, the CIA, the WHO, the Masonic secret societies. May Jesus bless the people of Burkina Faso with strong leadership that love truth, justice, and serve the many people instead of the greedy few and they never be enslaved or impoverished as the EU and the USA is currently by the international AshkeNAZI central banksters cartel. Stay free and embrace Jesus the powerful WORD of God ❤

  3. Keep it up, don't shed no blood, work for the benefits of Burkina Faso interest, one day, your enemies would upgrade Burkina Faso from the last, on the poorest list, to admit that they're able cause they have the means. Good luck…

  4. Traore i think he should be AKEBULAN is now Africa cal by Europe be the president he is strong clever intelligent is a true leader not a puppet give me your comments on this BLACK POWER STAND UP

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