
A Man Who Made his Living by Mining the Streets of New York #facts #shorts

mining the streets of New York
There was a man who made his living by mining the streets of New York. Every night, he would take out a butter knife and tweezers and head to the sidewalks, especially near jewelry stores. What he was searching for were tiny bits of diamonds, rubies, platinum, and gold that people might have dropped and lost.
Because the man was mining for valuable materials that were already cut and crafted, his job was to carefully extract them from the dirt and grime of the streets. Once he found these tiny treasures, he would clean them up and sell them for cash. He mentioned that in just one week, he was able to collect enough gold to make two sales, totaling $819.
But as he scraped away at the sidewalks, digging through the gunk and gum of the New York streets, it raised the question: is it really worth it? While he found success in uncovering hidden treasures in the most unlikely of places, the effort and filth he had to deal with make one wonder if those riches truly justified the work.
This story shows that even in the dirtiest places, there could be hidden value, but at what cost?


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  1. And since that probably went viral 200 other people out there in the Diamond District digging in between the cracks and crevices of the sidewalks. Things where people have to do to make money

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