
81% to AGI – The More We Know, The Less We Understand – OpenAI o1-preview

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  1. Orion (not full o1) will most likely be AGI by every metric. Those that will deny it will never be satisfied with anything, they will keep moving the goalpost, and they will never accept that a machine will be smarter than them (which will just show that they are not even smart to begin with).

  2. What if we're in a simulation where we've gotten to the point where we, the simulated "creatures", have developed the technology to design simulations and it's simulations all the way down to what? A kid playing The Sims Galaxy Edition? πŸ˜…

  3. AI cant get out of control if we shut the power off to the server farm. unless im not seeing something? I keep hearing we don't have enough power to reach agi and in the same breath they talk about what happens if it gets out of control.

  4. Back in the Mid 2000's I played a PC game called "Black and White". You played as a god and you could choose to be good or evil. You controlled a huge god-like hand. It had primitive little villagers that you "managed" and you could help them expand their productivity such as farming and logging and help them build villages etc, and a worship temple, and the more worship you got the more powerful you became. You also had control over your "creature" which could free roam their community or you could keep it on a leash. Help save a drowning child, put out fires etc. You could also send your creature to help them out and protect them. Or you could be nasty and IIRC send storms upon them and sic your creature on them to commit mayhem along with wiping them out with your hand. It was a very interesting concept regarding morality and was pretty fun too.

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