CWP panel

3ti is exhibiting at the Fully Charged Show & Everything Electric Show!

3ti is taking Papilio3 to Everything Electric, London Excel in March 2024. Visit us on Stand B40/C40.
Everything Electric is a fun-filled, knowledge packed festival of electrification, designed to inspire people to #StopBurningStuff. This year’s show includes an array of visitor attractions, dozens of ‘live sessions’ and an exhibition of hundreds of companies, with electric vehicles of all shapes and sizes, and a huge selection of home energy options too.

Turning car parks into renewable energy power stations
3ti is passionate about renewable energy and believes that providing low carbon EV charging infrastructure is the key to decarbonising the transport sector. Our mission is to get businesses and vehicles ‘Driving on Sunshine®’ by deploying large-scale solar arrays in car parks, on waste land and rooftops whilst also growing an extensive, reliable EV charging network with our easy to install, multi-award winning pop-up, mini solar car park, Papilio3®.

From hospitals to leisure centres, facilities across the UK are utilising our unique three technology approach, integrating solar, batteries and EV charge points to generate onsite renewable energy from existing spaces such as car parks and rooftops to reduce electricity costs and carbon emissions

The UK has around 30,000 car parks with some 13 million public and workplace parking spaces across a range of locations, including offices, shopping centres, train stations, offices, sports venues and factories. If just 20% of these spaces were converted to solar car parks, annual solar generation would be around seven terawatt hours of electricity. To put this into perspective, this would replace all the UK’s remaining coal-fired and oil-fired stations power stations.

The 3ti team will be available to give advice on how the use of solar in car parks, on rooftops or waste land can be used to power buildings, EV charge points and reduce electricity bills.

Our calculations show that for each car parking space, covered with a solar array, customers can save as much as £1,000 per year on electricity costs. Those SCPs can also include integrated Electric Vehicle (EV) charge points, which support the transition to Net Zero and generate income from by charging EVs from sunshine.

Workplace & Destination EV Charging Infrastructure
With around 50% of UK households unable to charge an electric vehicle at home, destination and workplace solar car parks are also a cost-effective and accessible way of providing charging infrastructure to those wanting to make the switch to electric vehicles. In such cases, public areas like car parks become crucial, contributing to achieving net zero targets by 2050 and establishing optimised electric vehicle charging infrastructure ahead of the ban on new petrol and diesel vehicles.

3ti leads a consortium of British companies as part of the V2X Fast Hub Project
Our new Papilio3 V2X Fast Hub project (funded by the Department for Energy Security & Net Zero, delivered by Innovate UK) is currently exploring how bi-directional charging and DC microgrid systems can resolve the key issue of intermittent electricity supply from renewables. We believe that this is the next step in electric vehicle charging, ensuring that businesses maximise revenue generation, support the shift to zero emission transport and reduce the burden on carbon-intensive on-peak rapid charging infrastructure.

Theatre Programme at Everything Electric – London Excel
Join Tim Evans CEO, & Mark Potter, CTO, who will be chatting about everything from V2X, the future of the grid and how we can make a difference by rolling out low lost, low carbon EV charging infrastructure.

28th March – The Future Grid – what does 2050 have in store? Does the grid need an upgrade or an upheaval, what will it look like 10 years from now and by 2050? And will it be better than ever before?

29th March – Vehicle to Everything? What’s the true potential? We believe that V2X could be the biggest benefit of all in a world with battery electric vehicles, but how do we go ‘bidirectional’?

Tim Evans Founder & CEO will join, Imogen Bhogal, Presenter – Fully Charged, Colin Walker, Head of Transport – Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit, Charles Haworth, Chief Operating and Financial Officer – CWP Global – Hydrogen, and Alec Peachey Founder and Editorial Director – Transport + Energy on the panel of:-

Are we doomed? And can we really change?
When it comes to energy & transport are we doomed? And can we really change? Sometimes the transition from fossil fuels seems too big to solve, so what hope is there that we can engineer our way out of the old and into the new?

For more information on the event and speaker programme:-

If you would like to schedule a meeting, book a ticket and chat with someone on the stand please get in touch and email


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